
Dear Residents of District 7,

My name is Marcelino Quiñonez. I have always believed that leadership is about listening and finding the right solutions. Through countless conversations with you as a teacher, nonprofit leader, and elected official, I have shaped my priorities for our district.

I am dedicated to fighting for the needs and aspirations of our community. My priorities include fostering economic growth, increasing affordable housing, and ensuring that our communities are safe and thriving. I will work tirelessly to address infrastructure issues, promote transparency and accountability within the city, and support our local businesses.

By working together, we can build a more equitable and thriving District 7. Thank you for placing your trust in me. I look forward to serving you with dedication and integrity.

Marcelino Quiñonez

  • Our neighbors in Phoenix want to feel safe at our parks, libraries, while shopping, and especially in their homes. I will work closely with our public safety officers to establish trust between our neighbors and those who serve in this capacity. To create trust we will continue to work on three critical issues: transparency, technology, and training. Our Phoenix Police Department should communicate when something is working and when challenges arise to the council and to the public. At the moment over 2000 police officers wear a body camera while protecting our city. If elected, I commit to the following:

    1. Work towards ensuring that residents have access to the footage promptly.

    2. Providing police officers the training necessary to better serve and protect our communities.

    3. Working diligently to bring a police precinct to our neighbors in Laveen.

    These efforts will not only result in faster response times for police officers and firefighters but will go a long way towards maintaining and repairing the trust between the department and our community. Public safety is a critical issue in our community and we need to address it comprehensively. Strong partnerships between neighbors, the City Council, and our men and women in uniform are vital to vibrant, thriving communities.

  • We need to further grow the ecosystem in Phoenix that attracts new businesses to the Valley and creates high-paying jobs for our working families. This can only be done by partnering with small businesses, growing industries, and supporting local union organizations.

    Our possibilities are endless. The diverse background of our district touches every single industry in the City of Phoenix. I’ve met neighbors who have invented applications that monitor health vitals and educate on healthy lifestyles. Nurses who were deeply impacted during the pandemic and small business owners who have struggled to keep the lights on because of burdensome regulations. I will advocate to implement incentives for the small businesses on Central during the construction of the light rail. Or a program that helps individuals become successful entrepreneurs. My office will ensure you have a voice at City Hall.

    The back bone of job growth is protecting worker rights and ensuring jobs that already exist remain steady and competitive. I am proud to support our laborers in their fight for fair wages, improved working conditions, access to benefits, and an overall quality of life that ensures their prosperity.

    To expand our economic development, we must reinforce and strengthen our Preschool to College (P-20) pipeline. I will work to ensure Phoenix provides the most affordable childcare costs in the state. I will lead conversations and create plans with our school districts, community colleges, apprenticeship programs, state universities, and industry leaders to develop our students into the innovators and leaders of tomorrow. Only by investing in our children today, we will create a better Phoenix for all.

  • No one in our city deserves to be without a home or struggling with sky-high rents. Phoenix, like every major city in the country, is struggling with housing, but I believe we can lead by taking a multi-pronged approach. That’s exactly what I did at the legislature by passing meaningful policy outside of the House Chamber.

    First, with the input from our local neighborhood associations, we should be building more affordable housing, single-family and multifamily units. Second, we should be promoting homeownership by taking advantage of state and federal grants. Third, we should fund badly needed repairs to existing affordable housing units and construct new senior centers. We can accomplish all of these proposals by leveraging various grants and tax incentives offered at the federal and state levels. Programs like Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), a federal program that provides a tax incentive to construct or rehabilitate affordable rental housing for low-income households, which I have championed for years.

    Everyone deserves personal financial stability, and I will work with local nonprofits and state agencies to utilize the power of the city for the betterment of our communities

    Finally, we need to assist those who are currently unsheltered, especially during the hottest months of the year. I am committed to creating cooling centers in District 7 by working with Maricopa County, community centers, churches, and other organizations to provide water and shelter to our most impacted community members.

    Housing needs are different for everyone, and we need to use as many tools as possible to find solutions.

  • My office at City Hall will be committed to delivering exceptional constituent services. We will respond directly to every call or email and connect every neighbor to the correct city department to ensure excellent customer support. We will be prepared to help with everything from potholes to permits to speed bumps to connecting our neighbors to city resources and programs. My team will maintain and publish a tracking system of constituent needs and outcomes. Our office will take part in community events at schools, parks, city centers, and everything in between. From Laveen, South Phoenix, Downtown Phoenix, Maryvale, or Estrella my office will be in a neighborhood near you.

    What is most important is that you know that your city is working for you. My commitment is making sure it does.

Phoenix is the future and it goes through District 7.