My name is Marcelino Quiñonez, and my story is our story. My family and I immigrated to the United States in the late 1980s seeking a better life. I’ve never forgotten my parents' struggle, and I am forever indebted to them. All my efforts have been geared towards making my parents proud because they sacrificed everything to give my siblings and me a better life. We grew up in South Phoenix, driving down Central Ave, and experiencing the authenticity and vibrancy of our community. I still remember learning how to swim at the Phoenix City pools on 19th Ave and Southern or 7th Street and Alta Vista. I was educated in the Roosevelt Elementary School District and proudly became the first person in my family to earn a college degree after graduating from South Mountain High School.

Knowing the importance of community, I began my journey to give back by becoming an educator and starting my teaching career at Espiritu NFL YET. There, I connected with parents from our community and helped nurture the next generation of scholars. But I always knew I could and should do more to help our community thrive. In 2012, with the support of our local community, parents, and many former students, I launched my campaign for the Roosevelt School Board. I was honored to be elected and served four years as a Governing Board Member, working to increase teacher pay, improve school facilities, and boost student achievement. My greatest honor during my time on the Roosevelt Governing Board was collaborating with our educators and parents to provide the best possible education for our community’s children.

After my service in the local school district, I had the privilege of being appointed to the Arizona State House of Representatives. There, I led efforts to pass historic bipartisan budgets that increased teacher pay, invested over $150 million into the Housing Trust Fund, created the Homelessness Shelter Fund with a $60 million investment, and championed affordable housing initiatives.

Now, I am bringing my commitment to our district to the Phoenix City Council. I will lead as I have in the past, with the community at the heart of every decision and with the belief that our community knows best. My name is Marcelino Quiñonez. I am an educator, a father, and a candidate for Phoenix City Council District 7. 

My story is our story.

Many years after earning my first degree from Arizona State University through the help of countless scholarships, including the St. Vincent de Paul Scholarship, I was asked to join the organization and run the same program. I worked closely with students from Phoenix Union and others who reminded me a lot of my younger self. They were hungry to succeed but needed additional resources like funding and mentorship. I developed relationships with numerous business and community leaders, raising funds to ensure these students had a path forward. I could not allow money to be the issue that held them back. Then, I connected them to mentors who, like me, were committed to giving back. I still remember attending my students' university graduations, joined by their mentors and parents, and feeling proud and connected to the community and future.

As a legislator in Arizona representing District 11 (Laveen, South Phoenix, Downtown Phoenix), I was able to advance significant housing policies, including the Yes in God’s Backyard policy, which allows church properties to build affordable housing units on empty lots. Additionally, I was a leader on the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), a federal program that provides a tax incentive to construct or rehabilitate affordable rental housing for low-income households. My leadership and votes on two historic bipartisan budgets brought millions in new funding to our public schools, housing projects, arts, and infrastructure. Every vote, every budget line item was made with my community’s interests at heart.

I am currently a community college professor teaching Humanities, Theatre, and First Year Experience, and I work closely with various organizations providing opportunities for adult learners to return to school and earn their high school diplomas. Education changed my life, and I want to ensure others have the opportunity to pursue their goals.

I earned my B.A. and a Master in Fine Arts in Theatre from Arizona State University. I am an avid reader, and I was first inspired to seek public office after reading a biography of President Kennedy in the 8th grade. 

The pride of my life is my 15-year-old daughter, whom I strive to make proud every day.